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We, the people of North Carolina, affirm our dedication to a democracy that guarantees the freedom and well-being of all individuals. We believe that a fair and just society should provide every citizen with the opportunities and protections necessary to thrive. Although there have been challenges, we remain hopeful and committed to the ongoing progress of our state.


As proud citizens of this community, we continue to work towards a society that ensures everyone has access to the rights and opportunities that allow for a fulfilling and prosperous life within the community.

In the spirit of democracy, we enter this proclamation into the record, reaffirming that:

All people, without regard for their race, color, gender, creed, age or orientation, must be beneficiaries of our democracy if we expect them to be active participants.

It is therefore incumbent upon all who would make an honorable claim of patriotism to take up the torch of equity. Its flame is best carried into our communities with the mission of fulfilling four key objectives which will henceforth be known asThe Four Pillars of the BIPOC Proclamation. 


They are:

Economic Mobility_icon_color.png
Housing Security_icon_color.png
Public Safety_icon_color.png
Civic Engagement_icon_color.png

It has long been known that these objectives are pivotal to establishing a fully inclusive democracy. The connection of electoral participation to safety, increased prosperity, property ownership, and confidence in navigating governing bodies has been proven not only to be correlative, but causative. 


We further recognize all expressions and consequences of systemic racism to be obstructions to democracy. Chief among these are dishonorable failures of imagination that perpetuate bias, fear, and suffering. We will therefore direct the totality of our resources and innovation to uprooting systemic racism and replacing it with progress. We dedicate ourselves in perpetuity to the realization of our people’s highest good, the advancement of our economic and political power, and dignity and justice for every person in North Carolina.

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